
Friday, September 9, 2011

the TWAT

I have been fishing my entire life, growing up on the water in Corpus we always went out on the boat on the weekends, the fact that my dad is down near obsessed does not hurt. I cannot complain because you get to go to amazing places: Bahamas, Costa Rica, Mexico...etc. I used to get miserably sea sick when I would deep sea fish so I was more of a dock/bay fishing kind of girl. However sometime in high school I decided it was a mind of matter kind of thing and just sucked it up and made myself go, I now love going. My parents and i the other weekend fished in the Texas Women's Anglers Tournament (T.W.A.T.) in Port Aransas. Here is a little bit of our adventure, Hercules sadly couldn't leave the dock because he had to work:(

The journey began at 1:45 a.m. (yea you heard right) of course I went straight downstairs into the air conditioned part of the boat and went back to sleep for a couple hours, and then I awoke to this. It was one of the prettiest sunrises I have ever seen.

And the water was like a bath tub, which if you know Port Aransas, miles offshore this is a rare rare thing.

Our Captain "Travis" Sparrow, his last name is not really Sparrow but he looked like Jack Sparrow with this wig and hat, no?

This is the drilling god my dad takes for good luck on oil/gas wells, he moonlights as a fishing god. My family is weird I know.

Our pet parrot, every pirate needs one.

Mom, searching for the fish (still REALLY early in the morning).

Hours later and still no fish: Dad decides the drilling/fishing god needed to rinsed of his bad juju.

Into the water he goes!

All better!

Miles offshore this tiny little golden finch lands on our boat sooo tired, I named her Goldie Hawn.

Goldie Hawn joins the fishing god, naturally.

We may not be catching any fish but Rose wine and Lobster Salad... not a bad day on the boat.

The fishing god kept popping up trying to get in on the conversations.

Good luck arose I caught a sailfish! Sadly the cameraman (my mom) is not very tech savvy and didn't turn the camera on... we laugh about it now.

Once it hits 4:00 on the radio they sound a buzzer, lines are pulled our of the water, and everyone races back to the docks for the weigh-in. Celebrating a full day of fishing of course.

There were so many boats just in limbo waiting to get their video/fish to the officials, it was like a floating party.

This is the weigh-in dock still boats partying all around, we got hit by water balloons by complete strangers in pirate costumes (there is a best dressed boat award fyi thus the pirate hats) it was a blast.

George Strait's boat, had to take a pic.

Once we got to the dock Hercules was waiting with ours and my parents dog, geared up in their pirate costumes! The bottom one is mine Chief, the top is my parent's dog Etta James.

Dad and Etta James decided to make new friends with the boat next to us.

They loved her and she loved them, all in all it was a fabulous day.

Instead of going to the weigh-in since we knew we didn't win, we went to a nice celebratory dinner instead at Lisabella's restaurant it was delicious and so nice after a long hot day on the water.
The tournament was so much fun i urge everyone to do it at least once in their life. 
Save the date for next year August 24-26 2012!!!!

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