
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Toilet Seat Museum

On the way home from lunch the other Saturday with my friend Mattie, there was kind of a traffic jam on a very quiet street 3 down from mine, we decided to investigate and realized after being closed lately the toilet seat museum was finally open!!!

Some of the wonderful toilet seats... this was the plumbers corner

 There is one seat that has all the places that people have visited from, and it was quite extensive. The people before us were from Spain and so there was a fresh signature.

 This is Barney Smith the artist! cutest 90ish old man who I think he could talked to us all day long if we had not had another place to go to. He said he does toilet seats because he used to be a plumber and he is used to being around them.

If you live in Alamo Heights and have never been it and Barney truly were an experience! It is located on Abiso between Arbutus and Columbine.

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